Research Project
Effective Solar Programme Design and Residential Energy Choices: An Agent-Based Modelling (ABM) Approach to Maximizing Household Participation
RGC Early Career Scheme (ECS), PI, Research Grants Council (RGC), Hong Kong (Funded)

Understanding the dynamics of residential solar PV diffusion is extremely challenging because it involves individual-level decisions and behaviours. Existing literature on residential solar PV adoption is limited to explaining solar PV installation of homeowners with individually-owned rooftops, thereby largely neglecting other types of households. In other words, previous studies lack theoretical discussion on the mechanism behind solar PV adoption of individuals who are unable to install solar panels on their rooftops, such as flatowners and tenants. Although innovative solar programmes have emerged for these types of households, residential solar PV adoption behaviour that considers alternative solar programme options and their impact on overall diffusion have been unexplored. To address this gap in the literature, this research project aims to develop a comprehensive and novel ABM approach for residential energy choices, more specifically, residential solar PV adoption decision, given alternative solar programme options in vertical cities. The proposed ABM framework consists of the following three hierarchical procedures:
(1) PART 1: Identifying the determinants of residential solar PV adoption in vertical cities;
(2) PART 2: Modelling residential solar PV adoption behaviour given alternative solar programme options using the ABM approach; and
(3) PART 3: Evaluating alternative solar programme design scenarios through policy testing. This research project is expected to have a far-reaching impact on residential electricity customers at the individual level, stakeholders at the community level, and the general public at the societal level.